
By: Tuned
Translator: White Queen

‘A fictional story’

Chapter 1
It is a nice Monday morning in Gold Coast, the beaming sun is just showing over the mountains with reflecting rays on the many windows filled with spices from other Virtuan cities. Paprika’s from Brazil, quality iron from Centropolis and good Dutch cheese. But the big amounts of gold are glittering too, which causes the morning to look more like a sunny afternoon. Me, Roberto, filled with Gold Coast Chicken Nuggets walk through the main street of the small village.
It has always been hot in Gold Coast, lying in the middle of the Virtuan desert, it is a city where small traders open up their shops and old politicians reside.
‘Riiiiing’ I am startled by a bicyclist which misses me by an inch and I can barely can keep balance. A boy, I would estimate him eight years young, laughs sneering at me from the other side of the street. I couldn’t tell you whether it was because the clothes I wear or me falling almost. His mother mutters some words on a angry tone to the eight year old, which causes the boy to look down quickly. I don’t know what the mother said, but the boy deserved it.
Would I have known then what would happen to me after this, then I would have taken the first turn to the desert, although I could have died there of dehydration, starvation, or being eaten by enormous eating ants, it would have been much more bearable then this one.