A letter to the Federation

By: Lisaa

This is a letter that is written by Lisaa and has been made public in the Virtua Bar. I really want to make it public to the whole Federation, since it is very important I think. If you agree with the most things in here, mail Lisaa, or say it in the Virtua Bar. As soon as more than 500 citizens of the Federation signed this little thing, the Federals really should think about it, more than they would now.

The letter:
“Dear Federation,

first of all, thank you Riemer_1990 to make me moderator of this club. But now to the point: Miniconomy, the game itself, is crashing. Crashing like the stock market did in the beginning of the year 2009 in Real Life.

I will explain something about this crash of Miniconomy. We have the Game Management, lead by Wouter and Federal Government and the Federal Assistant, Manager and Coordinator. They work hard to make this game a great game! And we should say thank you to them. But, Wouter is working harder than we can ever imagine to invent new ideas and to script them. If some players ask if he needs help he always will say no, Miniconomy is his kid. But, why do we want so much from him? He has a real life too, he has the same amount of time as we have. So let’s yell as hard as possible, so he is going to ask someone to help him!

Then economical: International Trading isn’t working, you have everything what you need in every country. We live on exports… we don’t live on trading.
That is a problem, the work of Wouter is a problem.

Then, the politics is also a problem. Did you ever see an Embassy in your country of your own country, which is based in another country? I didn’t.
The whole politics isn’t realistic, the social game isn’t realistic, the trading isn’t realistic. Nothing of this game is realistic. I never saw an “Oudenbosch*”-Share… The World Economics in Real Life is based on Wars and things we just need because we won’t survive. But hey, I will survive in Miniconomy if I do nothing. You don’t die by eating nothing for three weeks! We don’t have a CO2 problem…

The whole story on the nice image of the frontpage, I don’t see it in Miniconomy… What Miniconomy needs is a great story, something like “Frontier**”. A story that is changed every round. The rounds have to be longer and there should be a great Storyteller.

I hope you understand what I mean and what I want!

*: Oudenbosch is the city/town where I live.
**:Frontier is the idea of m1n1conomy.”

Really thank you for reading this! Whatever you think about it, you help Miniconomy, more then anything your opinion is wanted. Miniconomy is on it’s lowest point of interest ever in my Miniconomy Career.

Thank you for reading this,
Lisaa and a little bit Sesam and many more that agree!