Michel 182, greedy consul of Virtua

Author: Anonymous
Dear citizens of Virtua, as you all know, the Virtuan Business Academy is a free school in Virtua. Every single course you can take is free! It’s a good thing that Education is free in Virtua, and we are the only country that actually has free education. But this after the latest volcano eruption, things are different, not only was the exam room built in the second(!) week of the trade period, but the Consul of Education, Michel 182 decided to ask a 50-ISH fee for taking the state examination. He says it’s to cover his cost he made by building the necessary clubs. Well I say: It’s all greed. Plus, Michel 182 also doesn’t think when he does something! Why?

Well, let me explain myself: He built a 35 squst club named: ‘Dep. of Virt. Edu.’, it can hold up to 350 messages. Why do you need 350 messages in a club only meant for announcements and per round maybe 5 questions? It’s plain stupid do build such a big club, it’s like buying a Hummer when you only need a Mini. Now every consul gets 3500ISH of budget, this is a lot. Now, we get back to the point where Michel 182 (ab)uses his power as Consul of Education to gain some money for his own wallet. The consul of Education has a monopoly on taking state examinations, only he can ask for the examination fee, and only he gets the money from this fee. I ask you not to vote for Michel 182 with the next consul elections, we don’t need greedy consuls, we need support from our Virtuan Government, we need people who we can trust.

Most of the people taking an examination are new players, they should be helped and stimulated to learn, trade, etc. But no what does Michel 182 do? He takes money from them, you might say it’s only 50 ISH, but it’s a lot when you are new in our lovely Virtua. I say people of Virtua: Stand up agains your Consul of Education, let him hear you are not happy with the 50ISH examination fee! Post in his club: “We don’t want a 50ISH examination fee! Education should be FREE!”

Thanks fellow citizens, you are magnificent.