Progress Report on Education part 2

Author: Andoversr

Hello, I’d like to review on the State of Education in Virtua.
First off as the previous edition stated, Schools without borders, was a flop, neither Cyberia or Digitalia liked it and it was given up upon. On the bright side there are several new education changes next round, let’s review them.

4.9.1 Education Subsidies
Virtuan Teachers of approved schools may be entitled to 50 ISH per student they take on up to 250 ISH per round paid out of the Budget of the Consul of Education.
The Consul of Education may award x10 50 ISH scholarships, to students wishing to seek education at Approved schools or the state school.”
This will provide guaranteed I-shells to student and teachers alike, providing incentives for Education and Schools

Removed: (Bodyguard can only be obtained if the person is already in possession of the Officer degree), from article 4.3.
Bodyguard will now be more accessible to all students without the officer degree since the requirement will be abolished.

This next change is still in the works, it would require the COE to have an assistant with the teacher degree if the COE lacks the degree.
Overall this has been a great few weeks for education and making progress towards enhancing our system!
Consul of Education