A Touch of Virtua: R80

Auteur/Author: XtraBu77on

I suppose I shall start with Cashington again. After only one day of holding office Zeromercy becomes absent and we are forced to replace him. Thankfully within hours of requesting his dismissal, the second in line, The mysox1, accepted the position and got things on their way. The other towns seem fine with the usual slow start.

Moving on to the national government of Virtua. The only candidate to run last trading period, Bittersweet Ibisha, is having a slow start as well appointing other officials to help her with the country of Virtua. It seems though Virtua will have a school this round thanks in part by sahib and FFV.

As many may know, a harbour has been built, but thankfully it seems the Digitalians have no targets to go after….for the moment. Production has been going well with cheap products which leads to nearly no imports for the moment and possibly some exports coming soon.
Not too much excitement this round it seems, but the future for Virtua looks bright and plentiful.