How Virtua’s new system got started

Author: XtraBu77on

How the new system got thought of, written, and passed:

A few trading periods back, I was excited that I was elected into the ‘BOC’ and even more excited that I was chosen to be the chair! After everyone got their position, I went to sleep with my mind racing a million miles a minute. I awoke in the morning tiredly eating my cereal and brewing some fresh coffee. I then remember my position I’m given and quickly refill my cup and head off to work.

As I sit down at my desk, I begin work to change so things in the Virtuan law I thought needed to be changed. After a few days, I fished my first bill and submitted it to be voted. To my surprise I found that I could not official submit it to be voted upon because that power was only for the assembly! As I work on a few other things, I found out what power the Chair of the BOC actually had which is basically none!

I then began my deeper studies of the Virtuan law to find out where the power really does lie and found it to be the Assembly and essentially the Tribune. At that time I began my work to reform the law so that the person that represents Virtua to other countries can be just that.

Last trading period I was elected Tribune and with only 3 other inactive voters, I could have passed any law I wished. I submitted the bill to change the Chair position to a Presidential one. After finding out that I would be unable to have the chance to be Virtua’s first President, I withdrew the bill. There was another reason however; I have not gotten enough input from other citizens of Virtua to feel comfortable that this is a change most others wanted. So I continued to work on the bill adding some back-door measures to insure that this new power would not go unchecked by the people of Virtua.

This trading period however I felt there was enough discussion and review of the new leader type to propose it. The bill was passed the 10th of September in the year 2010 (trading period 80) with a vote of 4 in favor and 0 against. So beginning trading period 81 there will be a President who will appoint the other members of the Council in the country of Virtua. Let us see who the first President of Virtua is!