Virtua: A Round for the History Books

Author: thehopehitman2

As many in the Federation already know, Virtua has its fair share of problems. In recent rounds there has been little to no interest in politics, monopolies form left and right, and new citizens don’t stay long. But this round people have noticed something different, something in the air that Virtua has been lacking for many rounds.

This round the citizens have come together and for once there is a sense of teamwork among the country. Starting at the top the Virtuan Government has been spearheaded by White Queen who has put forth many by-laws to help the country work towards its goals. She has also hired two capable and highly active Consuls in Rats! and riser. Strengthened by this sense of leadership many Virtuans have followed suit and applied for courses in officer, teacher, and lawyer so Virtua can once again be self-sufficient in these areas. You also have banks going up, parks and hospitals being built, huge pumpkins growing in the fields and prosperous exports being dumped into the economy.

Why, you may ask, is Virtua deciding to show this national pride all of a sudden? Well the answer is simple. All citizens young, old, rich, poor, experienced and inexperienced have looked at themselves in the mirror and said “we need change”. But it didn’t end there; they stood up and faced their problems and fears, and have begun to correct them instead of waiting for someone else to take the initiative.

This trade period is still young, and Virtua is in no way “fixed” but you ask anyone in the country and they would say there is leadership in place, and the country is determined. Five, ten, maybe twenty trade periods from now this round will be marked as the rebirth of the new Virtua. The end of Virtua’s own “Great Depression” and grandfathers and grandmothers will be telling the story to their grandchildren for generations to come.

An older gentlemen that has spent his whole life in Virtua put it best “Virtua has found its heart again…”

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