A two Week Trade Period: An Interesting Experiment

Author: thehopehitman2

As many already know, Trade Period 83 is scheduled for only two weeks instead of the normal three week trade periods of the past. What was scheduled as a way to accommodate Christmas is now being looked at as an interesting experiment in the Federation. What this trade period will do is answer a lot of questions about trade and the way time plays a role on economy.

                Many traders talk about the slow last week of a three week trade period and have seen many people trying to clear their inventories long before the end of the third week. Many in the past have suggested that this is due to the fact trade periods are too long and people have simply traded their way to a standstill. This period will answer a lot of those questions; will the trade die before the end of the round this period as well? Or will trade boom clear to the end of the round? If the trade is steady clear to the end of the round than this may need to be looked at by the Federals and a review of trade period length should be considered. If the trade dies off last week this period as well it will suggest the time is not the issue, rather other interactions in the trade system are to blame.

Even if this round proved to be busy until the end one must consider other factors in the Federation such as politics and education. A two week trade period makes it difficult to complete all of these tasks and could slow national growth. It would hinder the processes that are behind the important law changes in the national governments and the state exams taken by many for degree extensions. 

To get a better understanding of the issue I asked a long time Virtuan by the name of Rats! When asked about the trade this period he replied: “More people are being active than usual, because they’re trying to get three weeks of trading in a 2 week period, On the other hand this complicates some political issues, but that another matter”.  Also When asked if trade would be “Crazy” until the end he said: “I think the active cities will be, as you so kindly put it “Crazy”, but the less active ones such as Centropolis and Nasdaqar will have barely reached their activity potential by the end”.

As you can see many citizens feel this trade period will be an interesting one, as for me I believe the trade as a whole will boom until about two or three days before the end of the round, mostly due to smaller traders clearing their inventory. Trade might feel like it is better but traders won’t have nearly as much money on hand, and the hurt it puts on political functions will not be worth it. But as is the beauty of experiments like these, only time will tell the true story.

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