The big interview, amini and riser

Author: Tuned

I was hoping for a double interview with riser – President of Virtua – and amini – a consul who became King of Digitalië -, but because amini was jailed by the CBI for interrogation, I was obliged to ask them the questions seperately. Hello amini, and congratulations. Hello riser, thank you for making time to answer the questions.

– Do you think that the current situation is the best solution for Virtua after the threat of Digitalië?
amini: Yes, it’s the best situation you can think of. However, the financial support from Virtua could be better. Money is always needed in a war, and it’s worth paying for it; as it’s most worthy for Virtua if there’s no threat.
riser: No, I don’t think this can be best situation for Virtua. After all, we problably now have people from Digitalië who are angry at us and will try go get back to us in the following trading periods. So this solution might save us now but in the long term it will only cause problems.There are many things that we should have done better. The main thing I see is that communication with Digitalië was not done right. We were not proactive enough in contacting Rednax‘s government. They were then able to believe anything that anyone told them. And so this meant that most communications started wrong: they were accusing us of something that we had to deny. They might not believe our words and it doesn’t help any future communication.

-Why did it last so long before Virtua did something?
amini: There was a huge discussion going on. I was stubborn, I think that is due to my desire for war. Digitalië cannot threat Virtua without paying for it. May I point you to the fact that I’m not a Virtuan citizen anymore, and now seeking the right to govern Digitalië, which means that some criminals had to be removed.
riser: The problem Digitalië was at first an internal struggle. We might sympathize with a group or the other but it was not our place to decide which one should win. The Digitalian citizens have just the same right as we do to choose their leaders. We chose democracy, they chose the rights of arms. So Virtua had been trying to stay neutral for a long time, not interfering with things that are not ours.That politics stayed true until there were so many threats aimed at us that we had to prepare ourselves against a probable attack even if unjustified.

amini, did you receive any support from Virtuan civilians or government in your action to overthrow the previous king and become king yourself?
amini: No, I did not receive any money nor mental support. But they didn’t know exactly about my plans.

-What are the plans for the remaining of the round for Virtua and Digitalië?
amini: Well, I think you can see pimgezel1, the leader of the rebels, has become senator. So, I put them in power. I hope the senators come up with some nice ideas. I am afraid I am too busy to be involved in law changes.
riser: We are still in the process of updating our lawbook. When I started my job as president, we had a busy schedule ahead of us. We then learned that we would have even less time to do it. Then the fighting started and we were too busy to do that we had planned. So I will try to finish as much as we can before the time to leave the Council is upon us.

How can we make sure that next round, Virtua will not be attacked by Rednax and his collaborators?
amini: We’ll need a big trader, with enough money. So he can – if there’s a threat – go to Digitalië and take over the crown.
riser: We must be prepared for an attack. I think we will need to hire many officers to show that we are prepared but mostly communication and diplomacy is the only way we can heal the wounds caused this trade-period. We have to make them understand that the action of a civilian does not represent the will of the leader of this country.

Thank you for your time!