
Federals. The be-all end-all of the whole game. What they do behind the scenes gives us our rounds, our main game changes and improvements. But Federals are still people at the end of the day and people get bored. Bored people look for something to do, and if they don’t find something, they give themselves something to do.

It has been mentioned by me previously in FedRequest. The new Federals including Bleech, are a wonderful addition to the team and the efforts of the Federals. But. People who are Federals just like anyone else do sometimes want to do more in their time.

That “more” has appeared to recently be our long held player organisations. Nothing can compete with the only Court that can take International cases, nothing can compete with the only organisation that hands out degrees, nothing can compete with public ideas club 2.0 in the Federal Tribunal. Federals have stated that player’s organisations should not be in lawbooks unless they need to be restricted, shouldn’t be helped by Federals simply because they are player organisations instead of their own, and unlike Federal organisations, will likely be removed when they are inactive.

Simply put, our organisations could now just be extra topics in Fed Request. Post here for a Federal verdict. Post here and we might give you a degree.

We are now also at the crossroads that any future international diplomacy or politics will rely on to create any more official Federation-wide player organisation, as one country commits to further power sharing at a national level, the other is employing massive protectionism and red tape specifically to limit law changes made by any future governments, even so far as to entertain the possibility of removing future governments the right to change ANY laws.

What these things mean in the longterm we cannot know for sure, but things are changing and not all for the good. The same people who have wrestled control of our player organisations are now deciding if they will accept the limits on future governments adding laws to create new player organisations.
What do you think will be prioritised, the possibilities of players to work internationally, or cementing the power of Federal organisations?