Reform Fail Train – Now Arriving

Author: Andoversr

As we saw this week the government reform passed in the Board of Consuls, as the only Consul who voted against this I feel the need to rant and speculate at how badly this will fail.
First big fail of this is that everyone in Virtua without cheater status, or criminal status, is on the assembly. This is a fail as not everyone who even plays in Virtua is signed up or active in the government clubs.
Now let’s look at some statistics as of 3/24/10: Active Virtuans (who signed in this round)(obtained from )
Cashington  (83), Nasdaqar (44), Centropolis (84), total:
Number of players who have joined (as of 3/24) : BOC Public (42) , Board of Consuls (35) , Department of Education: (28), Virtua Court (14).
As you can see we have 211 active Virtua players and only 1/5 of them at best are even viewing what’s happening at the National Government.
IF (and thats a big IF) all of those people in BOC Public and Board of Consuls voted on stuff then at most we would have only 20% and nothing would pass.
 The next issue I would like to address is the actual vote count itself:
As we know the Population is always changing as new immigrants arrive at the shores of Virtua all the time, each day the requirement for the 50%+ majority would increase as more people arrive and begin to trade.
This will only make this harder to pass as the trading period progresses. Another reason it is doomed for failure.
Next let’s look at the sheer amount of bureaucracy to this:
Everyone would get a input on this and everyone would have their own opinion, that’s not a bad thing, however the length of time it would take to get everyone to finally agree on something would mean that the amount of new laws that could be passed would be reduced a lot and each law would take days to a week or more to finally get to a vote.
 My fear of this system is that it will turn us into the US in the sense that laws are overly debated, and nothing gets done, not to mention there just won’t be enough active Virtuans to pass anything.
My 2 cents,
Andoversr, Consul of Education