Critical view

Autor: jn1
Translator: sugarfree

This edition, I let my eyes fall upon the market of pumps and engines. Last round Joerik became third in the endlist with basic skills in pumps and engines. I scratched behind my ears… Pumps and engines, you could only narrowly become top twenty with them? Joerik did have a MV with chips, but apparently he also made a lot of profit by selling pumps and engines.
Looking at the prices at the beginning of this period, I think I know the answer. The business in these products is very small and the selling price is very high.
Imagine you have six skills in engines and four skills in pumps. You can then produce pumps for about 50 ISH. At the beginning of the period, pumps were being sold for 100 ISH. This means a lot of profit.
The tourists also seem to like these products, making the business go even better. Almost every mayor has a shortage of pumps to build the first parks, which makes the demand for pumps even bigger.
As hint to the gamemasters I would like to say that it might be smart to lower the price of pumps in the FES a little, so the price of pumps will lower as well at the start of the period.
Next edition another critical view.

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