To wander

Author: COE

I wander through the streets of Eurodam and ask myself a question
I wander through the streets of Eurodam and ask myself the question what that noise is.
I wander through the streets of Eurodam and ask myself the question where the noise comes from.
I wander through the streets of Eurodam and I know were the noise comes from.
I wander through the streets of Eurodam and I know what noise it is.
I wander through the streets of Eurodam and I know something.
I wander through the streets of Eurodam.

Now only those readers who are really interested in this article are still reading it. Those who only read this newspaper to take a gloss at the statistics in it are already looking at the next page. But for those uninterested people this article isn’t mentioned. Wandering through Eurodam I heard the noise of klaxons from cabdrivers. Those cabdrivers were pissed off by slow driving inhabitants from past trading periods. I became curious and decided to wander in the same direction as those slow driving former inhabitants. They all seemed to end their trip through Eudordam at a club called MC Veteran. I entered the expensive club and once inside I could only hear the complaints made by the former inhabitants. They want an own status instead of the Round 50 Participant diploma. Very soon I got sick of it and left the club. I started wandering through Eurodam once again and asked myself a question. On what ground do these former inhabitants think that they would deserve a senior citizen status? Because they bypass started trading in one of the first ten trading periods? What nonsense is that!? A person who trades for thirty periods in a row is much more entitled to receive such a status than someone who bypass traded in period 7 to 15. But who am I to tell these arrogant people what they deserve and what they don’t deserve? I’ll stick to those things I am good at. I’ll wander through the streets of Eurodam.

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