Miniconomy 50, a vision of Federal Assistant

Author: Federal Assistant
Translator: marcelbuter

When I was asked to write an article for the newspaper I had no idea what to write about (I still don’t, but I am making a brave attempt). I finally just decided to talk about my history in Miniconomy.

A long, long, long time ago, my boat arrived on a piece of no man land in the Federation, the year was 2024. After a few rounds of just trying something in Kronenburg, it was time to start trading a bit more seriously. In those days Kronenburg was one of the smallest cities in the Federation, but that would quickly change.

Together with a few other traders, we started an entire imperial. All the products were divided and the tourists still stopped by registered companies. Around the same time, the first Federal export contests were started too. A battle took place between all cities to see who finished first because a lot of money was to be earned. We traded and exported long into the night, some even using subaccounts. As it turned out, Kronenburg and Yenville were guilty of this, something that lead to a long delay when it came to handing out prizes for the contest. It was fun though.

After that I started getting myself into more things. I even got myself a good place in a political party. Even though politics didn’t interest me much, I was interested in the function of Minister of Finance, especially after the introduction of the budget function. After one and half terms I was fired however, so I decided to go to Virtua for a round, first with a different account, and later with knarf21. Unfortunately I was seen as an intruder instead of a trader. Besides the lawsuits and struggles it was fun to see the Federation from a different country though.

I however did miss my old city, and my alter-ego knarf84 started there, and eventually became Mayor. After a few rounds as Mayor I decided to go into politics again, taking up the position of Minister of Finance once more. I eventually ended my time as an active trader with a few rounds of Mayor hood. In that last round I was asked to follow up Arjanisme as Federal Assistant.

That is now almost a year ago. It was something that I had to get used to in the beginning, but I learned as I went on. Even though the Federal Government and Federal Coördinator were also officially in function, it was mostly so that < i>Mitra and I could do it together, and a good division of tasks was figured out. The plans to make Miniconomy more fun still twirl my head around, but putting it into action is harder than you would think. The balance has to be kept, and the idea has to be original, has to add value, and has to be programmed. Luckily there are a lot of players who do their best to help with ideas, but not every idea is eventually carried out. Every idea is however considered.

Small changes such as the amount of resources in cities and the amount of products needed to produce other products often come from players. This is proof that players do eventually have an influence in the way the game is run.

In the end I would like to wish everyone a lot of fun in Miniconomy, and let’s make it another great 50 rounds!


Federal Assistant

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