Terror teases Virtua

Author: anonymous
Translator: sugarfree

“Chairs thrown and tables toppled,
Hands armed with broken bottles,
Standing no chance to win but,
We’re not running, we’re not running.”

The Virtuans were standing defenceless when the Digitalian terrorists came in their boats. With dozens of bombs and bullets, the made sure that the number one in trading would be a Digitalian. They called it: ‘’eliminating risks.’’ Virtua has still proved to deliver potential winners. But that seems to have been taken away. Because in Cybria one by one the traders disappeared, Virtua was the logical next targe.t After Lion King, who quit because of private reasons. Basick BV was declared bankrupt. The battle seemed to be won by a Virtuan candidate. But not if it was up to the Digitalians, with known result. How the Virtuans will react to this is unknown, although Cashtingon spoke out a law prohibiting foreign traders to trade on Virtuan grounds. If Virtua is going to defend her citizens is questionable. The government has not taken in a point yet. They can’t guarantee the security of their citizens yet. Will the Virtuans take the law into their own hands or will they continue to watch defenceless when Digitalia returns? They seem to wait until someone stands up as a leader who opens the eyes of the Virtuans.

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