Interview Volder

Author: bonanza
Translator: marcelbuter

It was strange when I arrived in the Federation. Among the horde of traditional traders and politicians were a few strange faces that looked at the rush from a distance. One of them was volder, an individual from the past. “What do I know him from?” I hear you thinking. Well, I asked him that question.
“When I had just arrived in Cyberia I went into politics right away. I started out in the political party LEF and was able to become a member of parliament right away, and eventually worked my way up to the primary candidate of the party. In the parliament I quickly got a Minister position as well. I have been Minister of Social Affairs twice and once Minister of Finance. In the meantime I had started my own party, the LNP.
This party was the most succesful party of the year. This is mentioned in this paper back then and the statistics also show it. We had the most seats in parliament and the most votes over the whole year as well.
At the moment that I put forward a new chairman of the party, the party won the elections and we were able to appoint a President. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get this position due to my position as Mayor of Bahthoevedorp. I did become Vice-President once though.”

The question arises what has chanced since then. I played the devil’s advocate a bit and said that the current Members of Parliament have a much lower status than in those days, and that almost anyone can become a politician now.
“It was the same in the past really. If you had enough following, then you were in the parliament. That’s democracy and we still have that in Cyberia, luckily. I wouldn’t know which requirements you would put on people on becoming an MP besides enough votes. If someone isn’t fit for the job, they will fail quick enough. I think our voters are smart enough to make the right choices.
When looking at general changes there are two big changed. Virtua is a big change, and I feel sad that the city of Yenville is gone, and the same is looking to happen with Bahthoevedorp.
Something really needs to be done about this. Other big changes have not really become apparent to me, but I haven’t been back that long. I hired a personal assistant for that reason to make sure that I get back up to speed quickly. Isabella is probably unknown to most people, but she has the ability to inform me accurately.”

The question why he had returned to the Federation was redundant. A better question to ask was if he thinks he will stay for a long time and what he will be doing here. As a devoted Bahthoevedorp citizen the answer was quick to be found
“I can’t understand people that will just let Bahthoevedorp go. It might have changed in the past years, but you can never give it up. I feel at home here and will do anything to keep the city alive. It’s an old city and has been part of the Federation for a long time. The city is now threathened by water, and I hope to come up with a plan to do something about it.
I shared my idea in the Town Hall of Bahthoevedorp and I hope enough people agree with me. If someone has a better idea than I will look that too, but I think for now that this is the best solution. Building a dike is fine, but the water can get higher later. A channel would be the best solution to take the pressure off the dikes. The function of the channel can be filled in later. Think of a better trade route for ships for example.”

His political ambitions are not hidden. With his new party (OAC) he hopes to get things done.
“Bahthoevedorp is now a situation which shows that I am very serious about things like this and that I hope to change things (although I can only influence a bit at the moment). If it succeeds then I will try to revive the country bit by bit on the long term.
From within the Parliament I can do more. My goal then will be that people want to see me there. If people don’t think so, then I will try to become Mayor of Bahthoevedorp. Parliament however is my first priority and it would be an honor to become Minister of Finance or President.”

I would have liked to ask more questions, but before I could say anything he apologized and said he had to leave for an appointment. In his brand new BMC he left towards Eurodam. A little confused I watched him go down the street and when he was gone I got into my second hand Miniconomini and drove to the office. That reminds me, I have to ask for a raise”

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