The end of the small cities

Author: Jn1
Translator: Tuvok

The change in the skill-system that you also need skills to dig resources, could become the end of small cities. Last round Bahthoevedorp was saved from a flood, now it seems that the skill-change kills the trade in Bahthoevedorp. A funny point in this story is that Salvatoro Maranzano initiated a proposal to let a city disappear, and dropped the name Bahthoevedorp.
The capital of Cyberië started good as expected because there would be enough traders in this city. The lots along the main street became so rare that mayor Miquel Alvarez wrote a by-law, because of this by-law some fines were written and soon also withdrawn again.
In the small cities you can see that there are to little persons to fill up all the products. In the past you could make plastic and gas, but now you also need a person who has skills in pumping oil from the ground.
My prediction is that Zwollar will disappear and the other cities will remain, but before we’ll know this we have to await the future.