A fresh look and a stable factor is lost

Author: Federal Coordinator
Translator: marcelbuter

Federal Manager and the last round as Federal Government is stepping down from his position as Federal. That’s why I will briefly look back at the period of thirty rounds for me and how Webb_cam a.k.a. Graeck a.k.a. Mitra has put his legacy into the game.

First I would like to thank him on behalf of the entire Federal team for all the many hours that he has put into the game. I know for sure that we will miss him greatly.

Now I can hear players thinking, miss? I am happy that he is leaving. I can imagine this quite well, Federals make tough decisions, and especially the negative ones are pointed out.

I would like to say something though about the added value that he was for the Federal team. He was a real “Social Federal”. With this I mean that his focus was not on the trading decisions.
“You know more about this than me” he would say. The opposite is also true. Mitra knows a lot about how the complex society that is Miniconomy works.
As you all know the Miniconomy society is a very different one than you would see in most online games. It is actually a representation of a real society.
Because this society is so very real, it means that leading this society is a hard task to do. Where do you interfere and where do you leave it be? Mitra knew very well how to handle.

This knowledge, combined with the knowledge of Miniconomy laws and politics made Mitra such a good addition to the team.
A fresh look and a stable factor is lost, but we hope to see him around in the future.