A Touch of Virtua R79a

Author/Auteur: XtraBu77on

Hello readers of TMC! I again would like to bring you an article from Virtua in my perspective. Enjoy! 🙂

ITEM 1: Harbors/Cashington
So, where to begin? I suppose with the most talked about item this round harbors. Most citizens of Virtua felt that harbors are more likely to hurt our economy rather then help it. Last round this feat was attempted but failed due to the acts of Gold Runner, then mayor of Cashington, who sold the lot to an MV to build the harbor.

This round however Gold Runner lost his mayor-ship after a week or so. When asked the feds simply reply that he broke a rule in the mayor and no further information was given, not even a hint. After the citizens voted for a new mayor I, XtraBu77on, was appointed as mayor. That too however failed due to me name a road “Vote XtraButton”. I still have somewhat of a problem with this because there is nothing in the mayor manual about the naming of roads or what not. It was told to me that it was due to the fact of advertisement and giving a person an unfair advantage; and I still have yet to see how I might have an unfair advantage over another player, especially since I couldn’t trade at that time. Unless I misread the law book incorrectly the unfair advantage applies to trading/people that are trading.

Anyway, after I was demoted from mayor Zeromercy was promoted due to the fact he was the only other candidate. Considering this is his first round, it seems he is doing an ok job but nothing really much is required of him other that creating exims, which again he’s doing fine at.

ITEM2: A Farewell
As many my know Virtua will be losing a strong voice, markallen3. It seems his life outside of Miniconomy is very busy leaving no room for game concentration. Although I personally haven’t had much time to get to know him, in the past couple of rounds he really hasn’t been trading much. Perhaps this was his way of slowly withdrawing from the game. In any case he is loved by many from all nations and will be missed.

ITEM 3: Angry Feds?
I don’t know if it is perhaps me but it seems the feds (or a certain fed?) have been pushing Virtua to the side. I believe this may have started 2 rounds ago when the Chair of the BOC voice was ignored and his requests were needed to be verified by the Tribune. The round it seems the same thing is happening. This rounds chair, Bittersweet Ibisha, had requested that the elected Tribune be given the ‘Assembly Forum’ club. This request was only granted 4 days later after the Tribune had again pleaded with the feds to grant him the club. Now the chair is trying to appoint an FCS and again her request is being ignored. So, I hope this is all in my head and that Virtua is not being ignored, for whatever reason.