MIP Awards

Author:Bruno Provenzano
Translated by: Tranqer and Tresias Aegirsson

It’s 8 PM and slowly it’s getting busy in Cyberia. The first guests are arriving in the harbour of Zwollar.

The first delegation to arrive is the one from Ibisha. Marcelbuter, CIT and Alecto slowly emerge from their private yacht. Kennycrack2 couldn’t make it. He had an appointment that was more important than the MIP Awards.

Around 8.30 PM the Virtuan guests appear. Forsties leads the bunch with his brand new tuxedo. (Brendan) is following right behind him, and greeting every single Cyberian he sees. Refund slowly walks behind the two. MoonPoker is in the hospital, so he had to miss this party.
Quarter to nine, the Digitalians come. They were totally wet when they arrived at the beach of Zwollar. They amble with sour faces towards the bus station to grab a cab. Unfortunately for them, as they haven’t got a harbour, they had to swim. They seem to be in a bad mood. Only the king, The King 2 , has signs of a little smile.

At 9 PM the Cyberian nominees start to show up.Rednax had already been spotted several hours before around the concert hall of Kronenburg, as he was rehearsing his acceptance speech. Plastic dame makes an appearance with make up into the concert hall where the Virtuans, the Digitalians, the Ibishans and Rednax are waiting. Mr Geld, Joep Eerlijk and Tante Suikerspin decide to enter via the backdoor to avoid the press attention. It is around half past nine when TheCaptain, Marcello Alvarez, Naamloze, martijn5 and gelaarsdekat1 race into the building. “Sorry, I missed my cab” murmured Naamloze.

10:10 PM, Bruno Provenzano , the organiser of the MIP awards, shows up on the stage. Every nominee who didn’t excuse themselves is present, except bonanza. The organisation decided to wait another 10 minutes for bonanza to arrive. When bonanza finally takes his seat in the back of the hall, Bruno Provenzano welcomes all the spectators, and the MIP show gets underway.

The first award to be conferred is the MIP Award for Best General Player. The nominees bonanza, Rednax, marcelbuter and Plastic dame are asked to step forward. Rednax is very calm with a grimace on his face. Plastic dame is stressing like a pig; marcelbuter isn’t really interested, constantly using his phone and bonanza stands with the group, motionless. With the four nominees present, Bruno Provenzano is ready to announce the first Award winner… After a long drum roll, he shouts: “The winner of the MIP Award for Best General Player is bonanza!’’ bonanza tries to make up a speech but it doesn’t suit him that well, after his first sentence he gives up and grabs the award out of Bruno’s hands.

The second award of the evening is the TMC MIP Award for Best Lawyer. The nominees are: Marcello Alvarez, Refund, (Brendan) and Federal Coordinator. Federal Coordinator is on the late side. “Sorry, I had to log out from bonanza to enter on Federal Coordinator… “ he explains. The award will be announced by Mr Tresias Aegirsson. Tresias clears his throat: “The winner of the MIP Award for Best Lawyer is Federal Coordinator!” The public starts booing. “He always gets that award!” can be heard amongst the buzz. Just as with the previous award, Federal Coordinator hasn’t prepared anything, so he takes the trophy and leaves the stage. “Just switching”, he says, and bonanza comes online again.

The third award is the TMC MIP Award for Best New Player. The nominees are a bit shy when they come forward: Tante Suikerspin is first with a huge candy floss in her hand, followed by Bruno Provenzano who prefers putting his head in the ground over standing here in front of everyone. TheCaptain is third, followed by Ephef. Tresias Aegirsson will announce the Best New Player: ”The winner of the TMC MIP Award for Best New Player is Bruno Provenzano”! Bruno is scared stiff and babbles “Huh?!? Did I win?” He runs forward to start the most boring speech in the history of Miniconomy.

The fourth award of this evening will be announced by Naamloze who sponsored no less than 51 ISH for Naamloze’s MIP Award for best politician. Mr Geld, bonanza, Forsties and (Brendan) are asked to come onstage. After a speech of more than 30 minutes by Naamloze about how extraordinary the award is, he finally annunciates the result. ”The winner of this award is bonanza!!” bonanza sighs, steps forward and says “Thanks”.

The fifth award of this evening is the TMC MIP Award for Best Officer. Traag Begrip, winner of this award in tradingperiod 109, is leading the group of nominees. TheCaptain,martijn5 and Ephef are following him. “The winner of the TMC MIP Award for Best Officer of trading period 115 is again Traag Begrip!” shouts Tresias. Traag Begrip jumps a hole in the air, that happy he is, but didn’t prepared a speech.

The last award before the break begins, is number six. The “Wouter Is Always Naughtier” MIP Award for Best Trader. The nominees: gelaarsdekat1, Rednax, COE, Plastic dame and martijn5. This award will be handed out by the inventor of the name: Joris. “The winner of the best trader award is, rampapapa… gelaarsdekat1. Gelaarsdekat1 gives a speech of an hour and after that, the break finally starts.
The nicest food is there. Cotton candys of Tante Suikerspin and other delicious food.

After the break, it is time for the seventh award of this evening. The MIP Award for Best President. Nominees are: (Brendan), Mr Geld, Joep Eerlijk and bonanza. Also this award is sponsored by the TMC and so, it is handed over to the winner by the chief editor. “The winner of this award is… (Brendan)!

The eighth award is the MIP Award for Best Ever King. Bruno Provenzano will hand this one out. The nominees are: Marcello Alvarez, Naamloze, Technix and The King 2. “I will just say it,” murmured Bruno, “the winner is MARCELLO ALVAREZ!” Marcello didn’t expect anything else and slowly walks to the front. Takes the trophy and says “Thanks”, just before he is walking back already.

The ninth award: The MIP Award for Best Cyberian Player. Nominees: Mr Geld, Rednax, gelaarsdekat1 and bonanza. “It was a hard battle for the first place,” tells Bruno, “but the winner of this award is: Rednax!” Rednax didn’t though anything else, takes the trophy out of the hands of Bruno and walks slowly of the podium.

The tenth award: The MIP Award for Best Ibishian Player. Nominees: Kennycrack2, CIT, Marcelbuter and Alecto. Bruno clears his throat and says: “It was a tough fight but CIT clearly won, congratulations!” CIT has a big smile on his face and makes a short speech.

The eleventh award: The MIP for Best Virtuan Player. Nominees are: Forsties, Refund, MoonPoker and President (Brendan). “Let’s keep it short, the winner is… Forsties!” Bruno says. Also Forsties doesn’t give a speech and takes the trophy while a blush appears on his fce.

The twelfth award: The MIP Award for Best Digitalian Player. “The winner of this award will have long swim with the heavy prize.” Four nominees: Sugarfree, COE, Loco_Tazz and Minimize. “The winner doesn’t live in Digitalia. It is Sugarfree!” Sugarfree laughs and sings the “Wololol song”.
The thirteenth and last award is the MIP Award for Best Consul. Nominees: (Brendan), Ronald, Bleech and MoonPoker. “An exciting final between Ronald and (Brendan), but the winner is: (Brendan)!”

It was super evening and everyone could go home around 2 AM. It was a big honor to be able to organize this, thanks!

Bruno Provenzano