Interview with markallen3

Mystq: Let’s start at the beginning. You have won a round of Miniconomy! Congratulations!

Markallen3: Thanks, Its a pleasure to talk you.

Mystq: When you used to play, what did you think of this virtual economy world?

Markallen3: What I thought is that it’s different, it’s not like any other game and I liked that about it, Its a challenge.

Mystq: What made you decide to stop playing?

Markallen3: Time was the main reason, I had just finished school and moved into work so I just didn’t have the time to play anymore

Mystq: While you were ‘away’ did you ever come back to ‘check on things’? If so, what did you think of it and why not stick around? If not, did you just “forget” about MC, or did you think about it?

Markallen3: Yes I came back and checked it out once and while. I didn’t take notice of many changes when I poped in, all I did was say hi. I didn’t want to forget about MC because its such a great game and I made many friends here.

Mystq: What made you decide to come back and be so active this round?

Markallen3: My brother is what made me come back he started playing a few rounds back so I decided to join in The active part is because I have the week off work, it will be interesting how the next 2 weeks go for me and how much time I have, but I play to stay around

Mystq: What changes have stuck out to you? Do you find these changes positive or negative?

Markallen3: Using skill to dig resources has gone back to the way it used to be, Which I like. Skyscrapers instead of houses which is a great way to make money now, where houses didn’t make anything it was just a safe place to log out. Shops are different now where you cant expand them once they are made, which bugs me but make the game more interesting and makes you invest more into a shop

Mystq: How many of your friends from the past still play? What’s it like talking to them again after so long?

Markallen3: Surprisingly about half of them still play and its a great to talk to them again and see the achievements.

Mystq: Have you found it easy to adjust to playing again? Do you still enjoy Miniconomy?

Markallen3: Nothing major has changed in the core part of the game, So it was easy to pick up. Yes I am enjoying it still

Mystq: We’re very glad to have you back. Is there anything you’d like to see or do or any changes you’d be happy with that would make it more likely for you to stick around and not have such a long absence again in the future?

Markallen3: What I want to see is more new players, bigger cities and to be able to see all shops on all roads in one screen so people who start later in the round don’t miss out on the main road slot

Mystq: If there’s One Thing you could tell all the players of Miniconomy throughout the years, what would it be?

Markallen3: Make your dreams reality, Have fun, Make friends