Millionaires ahead!

Everybody that has been around for a while knows that things have changed and are still rapidly evolving in our Federation. This article will focus on one change that is really remarkable: the amount of money top players make.

There used to be a time when having 60,000 I-Shell was enough to ensure a trading period victory. In the early days before tourists one would depend on trader sales and those were a lot lower than tourist sales. But still. When writing this article viraxje seems like to be heading for a new record. The 1,000,000 I-Shell mark has been broken before by Tranqer but this time viraxje is really going strong. With more than 16 days to go this period he has insured a stunning 1.3 millions I-Shell to his name. According to other top traders, viraxje is able to make a 300,000 I-Shell in revenues in about a day. If nothing goes wrong on one of his deals, viraxje might be the first one to hit the 3 million mark as a victor for this 150th trading period. That would be a double première!

The weirdest thing of all is that viraxje isn’t the only millionaire in this round. Alongside his remarkable results thus far we see the first numbers occur for Likemyitem who is holding a very strong second place with a difference of only 70,000 I-Shell. Likemyitem‘s business empire is as vast as viraxje and both traders are thus still competing for first place.

The most important question one must ask is this: what is the reason for this sudden boom in millionaires? Will this evolution continue until we have a billionaire in period 200? And who will that be?