The golden days have started

Who is going to take the most profit from the next few days?

Days go by, and the trade is flowing, as stating before in another article, the trade in Guilderland, is medium but steady all day, this has affected our resources, there ain’t much left, when you look at the map, and the Federals has opened up for FDF,

before any request has been made from the traders. United Blingdom has been down the hill after they lost one of their key traders, El tomacho  took a chance in Guilderland, to do some crime, but was bankrupt since he couldn’t pay the fine, he was the brick/glas trader in United Blingdom. and was of course a big loose to them. I got a good deal on a 500 sq Mega pretty fast, and was in a hurry to deliver Brick, glas and ovens. To make sure that the market was met with a nice flow, and not to much competition, i just lowered price, to get rid of what was left. Bleech was not happy with this, and after i started sending my ovens over sea, he just left the round, instead of taking up the competition.

The new harbour in FDF and the impact we have made on United Blingdom trade market means, Could be You  and I need a good shipping supply, and the one and only The Eyes 

 has taken this job, with a fleet of 7 ships, he dominated the seas, with only a few others players having 3 ships in total.

The last few days, there haven’t been any talk about politic in Guilderland, the traders has seen nice and respectful conversation between the President and mayor, but yesterday, an impact was made, 24 bombs, a few robberies and a single shot was fired, one trader is still annoyed by the new fine system, and for what it looks like, he has taken on the dirty shoes to show that, if the fines keep staying this high, he will keep trying to make as much damage as he can until out mayor reduces the fines, according to Mayor Troel  this is not possible until the end of the round.

We still have 10 days left of trade, and a few of us are just building towers, and meeting the demand for our products, a few of the bigger trader, still sit on their money, and have not shown force in the construction industry. Maybe they are trying out the same tactic as Podje  did last round, he did end on 4th, in the end result, so maybe he wasn’t totally wrong.

Once again United Blingdom meet resources problems, and as always people are more than happy to go to FDF to dig for oil and gold, but the shipping is still an issue, as mentioned before, 3 ships has been made from United Blingdom, but with the speed there normally is in on the trade in United blingdom, that is way to few, but shipping is a demanding way to work, and timing is the essence to make it work, and with so many different time zones, it is not easy. Do they stand a chance, or do we keep the upper hand a little longer over here in Guilderland