Digitalian dictatorship

Author: COE
Translator: Marcelbuter

I was at the edge of El Peso, enjoying the sun and looking into the emptiness, when my mobile phone rang. The text message I had receive troubled me, and I had to look several times before I really knew what it meant. I looked at it once more when I had reached my car and I was sure I hadn’t misread it. I started my engine and rushed to Tripolire, where I was able to pass the safety measures taken after an assassination. The Mayor had been shot 10 times and was rushed to a hospital in The Netherlands. I eased down the street where a lot of people had turn up to watch and rumor about what had happened.

I didn’t stay there for long since I was on my way to the royal palace. Once I had reached the palace, I could amazingly pass all the security measures again. When I entered the main room of the king, I saw political advisors, secretaries, economists, and bodyguards. His Royal Highness Washaway I sat at his desk with a troubled look. The first thing I asked the King was if I had read the message correctly, which he confirmed. There was no other choice than to head to the Senate building in Monapoli to speak to the Senators, because what could be worse than realizing that the Digitalian form of government contains ‘democratic’ qualities. Especially when the Federal Government includes Digitalia in a list of ‘democratic countries’, something that should trouble all citizens of Digitalia.

There was nothing left to do but to fix this, because not only is the government semi-democratic, it is also not even legally capable to change the law. The King is now so old that he needs to be supported by two bodyguards if he needs to walk more than 2 steps, and the Senators are constantly on the phone checking their stock portfolio. It was therefore that the King asked me, a veteran in writing laws and holding speeches at political meetings, to fix it for him. The assignment was simple, the King needs to get more power, and to do this he receives the powers of appointing noblemen and advisors. Noblemen are ‘important’ Digitalians who are trusted by the King and that are not members of the National Government. Advisors are Noblemen that are assigned with the task of advising the king, and therefor are members of the National Government.

Within 36 hours it was done and the King received speaking time in the Senate. In a smashing speech I presented the new laws, but after applause the room was silent again. If the current Senators can put down their phones for a few minutes and carry the proposal is the question, but that Digitalia will soon be a real dictatorship is a definite for me. The King will have the true power and not a few Senators that are assigned by the Mayors. If the Digitalian Dictatorship isn’t introduced this round, then force will have to be used to get it introduced in the future.

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