Miniconomy 50, a vision of Riemer_1990

Author: riemer_1990

Unlike my colleges, I’m not going to tell my live story. Simple for the fact we need to focus on the future. It is true that this is the 50th round, however we should make sure that there has been progress in MC when we are at our 100th.
My vision is that we should need more players in the first part. Players make MC as we know now. So without any growth in the amount of players, MC cannot grow.
We could achieve this partially if we all vote for MC everyday at the vote-page, however this is not enough. We could use more people from schools, ok not every student is going to play this game that serious however some of them always stuck around. It is quite strange that Schools need to contact MC, while it should be the other way around. Maybe some sort of committee who is in charge of promoting MC would do the job, we see that Marcelbuter and his group of recruiters are trying to achieve this. However to be honest, I think the current activities are not enough to achieve a better MC.

Second part I would like to address is, we need better documentation. Even if we have more players checking out MC, they need help. To be honest, MC is a large game at first glance and that has his advantages and his disadvantages.
The MCDoc is kind of dead at the moment, and we are still waiting for the guilds.
Even with people on the chat helping new ones to teach them the basics, some parts are poorly explained.
For example, how are votings taken care of? How do tourist work? Or the latest I had to answer, is there an English copy of the Cyberian and/or Digitalian law book?
Like I said earlier, miniconomy is big and we have a lot of options. Comparing the possibilities, the documentation lacks. Of course after playing some rounds you get the most parts, however due the lack of info some players are not interested in playing this game.
So either way, we have to increase our documentation, or make sure that players stay at the game so they learn it themselves or from others.
In my eyes schools can fill in this gap just perfectly, last rounds I have heard a lot of beginner courses in categories like trade or politics. This is of course innovative, and I hope it is really going to work.

Maybe I sound a bit too pessimistic about this game, however don’t let you fool yourself. Of course this game has it’s lacks, but it also has his unique characteristics which keeps me and many others playing this game.

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