Interview Sandertje19

Author: whooty and lindapinda86
Translator: marcelbuter

Great that you volunteered to be the next “victim” for being interviewed.
Why not, gotta do something at work.
Is it ok if we ask some questions?
Oh sure, I’ll be a little slow in answering sometimes though.

Why sandertje19 if you are 21 years old?
Because I was 19 when I made it.
Why not make new accounts like sandertje20 and sandertje21?
Sandertje20 exists and was active in Virtua for a while, but I will keep playing on sandertje19, because that’s the account with which I have achieved the most.
What have you achieved so far?
Name recognition mostly, but also I was King and Captain of Industry, even though the last one doesn’t interest me much. And a bunch of other stuff too.
Why don’t you are care about your COI status?
The status of COI isn’t that interesting for a Digitalian, since any status but criminal status is not important.
Why is being a criminal so important in Digitalia anyway?
Stealing and shooting is part of being a Digitalian, the criminal status is just a part of that.
It could be me, but aren’t you a bad thief/gunman if you have a criminal status since it means you get caught all the time?

Why is your website a test page?
Because I only use my own website to test websites that I make for other people, such as Creditsnu.
Didn’t you spend a really long time making that?
Yeah, busy with school and work.
Did you get paid for it?
I’m not answering that.
Too bad, but you probably get something for it, Jn1 isn’t in your friends list for no reason.
Still not answering it, and why would he not be in my friends list? If he didn’t belong there I wouldn’t have made the website for him.
If I could make websites and would get a lot of money for it, I still wouldn’t put him in my friends list though. We can conclude that it is charity work then.
Conclude whatever you want, I am not telling you anything, and I like Jn1 inside MC.
Ok, next question, Sorry Pedro?
Pedro Alvarez was above me in the unscreened results, but I missed a bit of salary, which made me 20th above Pedro.
That sucks for Pedro, what did he say?
Don’t remember, he wasn’t happy with it though.
Could he get his advanced status with it?
Isn’t that always the case? Anyway, I could get my COI status back with it too.
Maybe he already had the status.
Don’t know, but I don’t think so.
What did you get salary for? Don’t you normally get that within the round?
Expert and CoV salary, but Federal Manager was slow.
Smells like fraud.
No, every CoV member and expert still needed to get it.

Why are you so scared of losing to a wood trader? (Washaway is coming to ask the net worth of whooty all the time)
Why would you say that, I’m not Washaway am I?
True, but they say you have to win, and that they will shoot at me if I get to rich (whooty, red.). Back to reality though, you can’t win with only wood, and an average trader like me totally can’t.
Yeah, but I have nothing to do with it anyway. I didn’t even know you got shot, but yeah you are right about me having to win.
You know, those shots came from Virtua so it seems. But you can beat me, I don’t mind, just have people leave me alone please.

When did you get your shoe tying diploma?
Don’t have it yet, do you?
I do yeah, do you still have shoes with Velcro?
Didn’t expect that you would have it, but no I wear slippers.
Uhm I am asking the questions here, thanks for your time Sandertje19.

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