
Afgelopen zaterdag was het weer zo ver: de traditionele Troelverjaardagsmeet. Voor de negende keer werden de MC-koppen bij elkaar gestoken om lekekr te eten en gezellig te kletsen, onder het genot van een biertje. Met de afwezigheid van goedkoopste moesten…

Toren van Babel

In de strijd om de hoogste toren (is dat nou specifiek iets voor heren?) gingen Podje en Mjello redelijk gelijk op. Tot het moment dat Podje wel de toren wilde uitbreiden, maar er geen nieuwe kamers verschenen. Een klein beetje…

Bombs Bombs and Bombs

in de wandelgangen is vernomen dat de regen van bommen in cahswijk voorlopig nog niet ophoudt, de groepering voor vrijheid en gelijkheid is nog niet klaar. de huidige regering lijkt eerder te kiezen om een andere kant op te gaan…

Anonymous writer

As a spokemen of a group, wich isn’t a group. The goverment has the awnser to stop those crimes, they just need to hand out some gunpowderlicences to mv’s. The resdents are waiting, or better say, screaming for gunpowder. with residents…

The secret society

For several rounds there have been a small group lurking around in the shadows, the group are counting several members and more are joining. The government and the  police have been struggling with several bomb attacks and even more thefts…

News update round 189 10/21

If you have had the time to look in the fed request club, you are able to see that the federal team have made a makeover for the witness program used people living in a skyscraper with a computer installed…

FT and IC is running again

The Federal Tribunal and the Internatinal The Federal  Tribunal and the International court, maybe gets it revival this time, Sesam and Troel has both said they would take on the FT as chairman, and after a long time away, Natcha12…


Yesterday we had an article written by Sesam in the TMC, as pleased Im to have others joining me to write articles, it had been know to me there was a small mistake in the article: Federal Tribunal neemt vliegende…

Federal Tribunal neemt vliegende start

Author : Sesam <i>(Cashwijk) Een aantal nieuwe gezichten vervoegden het Federal Tribunal. Sinds een aantal rondes was er nog maar weinig activiteit te bespeuren in het gebouw van de Federal Tribunal. De laatste wapenfeiten waren broodnodige updates van het wetboek,…

Eco friendly game

Electronic engines are the new black in the federation A few rounds ago, electric engines were made from the evolving eco friendly research team in the federation research facility. And in this round e-mail, we have told that, FeC, FeD…

Building under construction

How many new tenants did you get? How many left? How do you price your floors? What rooms are best? These question seems to be a regular one each round? Towers are quite interesting and therefore also funny to write…

Overview of the first 1,5 week

How much have you achieved so far? The second week has soon passed, and the trade seems to slowing a bit faster than normal, when we last round had to open harbours to compete against other countries, and even get…

Who are the crimeriders?

9 Players so far has achieved criminal points For this round fines has been changed a bit in Guilderland after last round. Its not as cheap as it used to, but its not as exspensive as last round. This has…

Round 188 has begun

The round started saterday at 14:00, and the traderes were back. Once again traders came online i the world of miniconomy, people was greeting eacother, and some old traders had arrived. The King 2, Ruudz and Like My Item to…