Author: Redactie

marcelbuter goede President?

Auteur: Figaro Na de verkiezingen lijkt marcelbuter de positie President aan te nemen. Niet echt verrassend als je weet dat hij medevoorzitter is van de winnende partij Lijst Joep Eerlijk. Hij neem direct positieve actie en organiseert conventies die ernstige…

De Wonderlijke Wereld…

Auteur: The Minic Toen Torpedo 7 (eigenlijk een weinig magische naam, maar dat geheel terzijde) de oproep plaatste een artikel te maken over magie, was er voor mij eigenlijk maar één onderwerp mogelijk. Want welke plek in Nederland wordt heden…


Auteur: Car-Dealertje Kronenburg – Het is maandag 18 januari 2010 op het moment dat ik daar Jansen93 hulpeloos zie staan midden in de ‘bush bush’ van Kronenburg. Op een dergelijk ogenblik gaat het toch weer kriebelen bij mij na een…


Auteur: Federal Assistant Top winkelomzetten Totaal: 4,454,890.20 # Naam Omzet Standplaats 1 Pedro Alvarez 190,401.45 Roebelarendsveen 2 Federal Government 187,487.19 Eurodam 3 goudie 167,472.85 Cashington 4 Billy Green 124,146.59 Nasdaqar 5 Katharos 115,208.61 Zwollar 6 dara 91,557.42 Monapoli 7 martijn5…

The Virtuan Miniconomist

Author: Ravox From this moment on Riemer_1990, White Queen and Ravox will issue a English version of the Miniconomist. They didn’t opt for a fully Virtuan paper, because they usually are out of print rather soon. Hopefully being a part…

Virtuan Politics

Author: Samurai02 During this trade period Virtuan politics are already off to a strong start. The current Board of Consuls consists of riemer_1990 as Chairman, michel182 as Consul of Education, sinchan16 as Consul of Justice and Safety, and White Queen…

Ambiguous Elections in Virtua

Author: Ravox The Virtuan elections have been both like a thrilling ride on a rollercoaster and a visit to the animal farm. In Cashington and Nasdaqar the Mayorelections remained unpredictable until the end. The Consulcampaign however, was showing a declining…

The Mysterious Miniconomy Genie

Author: Diggib The other day I woke up and went on Miniconomy, like usually. I looked at how much money I had, and it said 600 ish. I said to myself: Bummer, I wish I had more money. Suddenly, I…

The Legend of Franklin Ibisha

Author: Ravox Standing on the shores of Nasdaqar I was staring at the rough cliffs at the horizon, which once were the gateway to a rising culture. However, Federal orders came, and the island had to be abandoned again. All…


Author: Samurai02 It was a Saturday afternoon and Riemer_1990 and Ravox were headed out to their favorite bar. Unfortunately, when they arrived at the bar, they discovered a sign that read, “Shut down due to asbestos.” Also, all the doors…

Starting of My New Era

Author: Demon44 This Article was written just for earning 200 ISH and getting two PM days. But I edited this when my heart said I was doing wrong. Now this article is what I really felt in these three days.…

Virtua is the Future

Author: Ronaldse Five out of the previous seven rounds has been won by a Virtuan citizen. And which of the last victory of a Virtuan citizen, was by someone with a background from ‘New Zealand’, which was the first victory…


Author: Ravox Yesterday afternoon the 21st Grand Broomrace took place in the Federation. 2 citizens of each country were chosen. They took on the challenge of flying over all countries of the Federation, trying to finish first. Virtua sent in…

Top Shoprevenue

Author: Federal Assistant Total: 4,454,890.20 # Name Revenue Homecity 1 Pedro Alvarez 190,401.45 Roebelarendsveen 2 Federal Government 187,487.19 Eurodam 3 goudie 167,472.85 Cashington 4 Billy Green 124,146.59 Nasdaqar 5 Katharos 115,208.61 Zwollar 6 dara 91,557.42 Monapoli 7 martijn5 74,187.77 Roebelarendsveen…

De kortzichtigheid van de federals en het CoV

Auteur: Pedro Alvarez Huppah, klikkah, en gedaan was het met het mayorschap van hypnotiseur, de federals hadden hem met zijn klikken en klakken op straat gezet. Sommige mensen kunnen deze actie alleen maar toejuichen. Ik noem hem eerder dieptriest. Dieptriest,…

The International Influence Top50

Author: Mitra Because of the expanding internationalization of the Federation, with many different functions and language barriers clouding an evaluation of the power relations, it has become difficult for someone to determine one’s place in society. In an attempt to…

Mijn handelsavontuur

Auteur: Limpie Ik had in de vorige handelsperiode besloten om ervaring op te gaan doen in het land genaamd “Cyberië”. Toen ik het mijn broer Lime_lemon vertelde werd hij laaiend, en schreeuwde gelijk: “EEN ECHTE DIGITALIAAN GAAT ALLEEN NAAR CYBERIË…