Author: Redactie

Succes voor sociale activiteiten

Auteur: Tuned Vertaler: Marcelbuter Niemand dacht dat de sociale activiteiten, georganiseerd door de organisatie DuFF zo’n groot succes zouden blijken te zijn. Met een kroeg en het succes van een woordspel, besloot de organisation een eigen ‘Maffia’ spel te starten.…

Uit het leven van de MvO

Auteur: Frankeur De eerste leerlingen hebben hun schoolexamen met succes gehaald en de MvO is erg blij dat hij deze week ook al twee diploma’s heeft kunnen uitreiken. Als het aan de MvO ligt volgen er nog meer. Al was…

Kort nieuws

Auteur: Tuned Vertaler: Marcelbuter – Een nieuwe eximcontest is van start gegaan, met producten waar normaal niet veel vraag voor is. Deze producten vinden wordt dus een grote uitdaging. – 2500 I-shell is de hoogte van de jackpot van de…

Success for social activities

Author: Tuned Nobody knew that the social activities, organised by the organisation known as DuFF would turn out like the big success it is now. With a bar and the success of a word game, the organisation started it’s own…

Equites à la represailles

Author: jn1 Translator: Marcelbuter One thing is for sure, they got what they wanted. Equites has been getting a lot of attention in clubs and in the papers, but what have they actually shown to get all that attention? They…

News flashes

Author: Tuned -A new export contest has been started, with products which aren’t being traded by much trader it will be hard to find the people willing to put skills on it. -Two thousand five hundred I-shell is the amount…


Top winkelomzetten Totaal: 7,362,581.34 # Naam Omzet Standplaats 1 Federal Government 277,825.30 Eurodam 2 marsupilami1 208,549.48 Centropolis 3 Bossebol 177,685.52 Eurodam 4 Seison 150,703.31 El Peso 5 annoniem 2 129,697.40 Cashington 6 Joerik 122,304.04 Eurodam 7 Dhr. Jorisz 117,750.35 Eurodam…


Top Turnovers Total: 7,362,581.34 # Name Turnover Place 1 Federal Government 277,825.30 Eurodam 2 marsupilami1 208,549.48 Centropolis 3 Bossebol 177,685.52 Eurodam 4 Seison 150,703.31 El Peso 5 annoniem 2 129,697.40 Cashington 6 Joerik 122,304.04 Eurodam 7 Dhr. Jorisz 117,750.35 Eurodam 8…

TMC in a new cover

Autor: bonanza Translator: sugarfree Six years, one month and six days. This is the age of the newspaper you got right before you. Hundreds of articles have been written, hundreds of names have appeared in this very newspaper. Some became…

Re-foundation of DuFF

Autor: Tuned A few days ago the re-foundation of DuFF started, together with old-members Tuned, annoniem 2, crepsly, VirtuaCash and riemer_1990 and new members Tyc00n, viraxje and Rice Racer. The organisation made it clear that they aren’t here to make…

Mayor by the flip of a coin

Autor: A. Holst As everyone knows that all mayors normaly are elected by the people of their city, but that was not the case when the election of the post as mayor of centropolis in trade period 49 took place.…

Civil war raging through Digitalia

Autor: COE Since the start of the 49th trading period a well organised group of rebels tried to sees power in Digitalia. The events started immediately after the first traders set foot on Federation soil. In El Peso unknown traders…

Equites strikes!

Autor: bonanza Translator: sugarfree A new trade-organisation is making themselves known. They call themselves ‘Equites’ and the members are recognised by their picture in their profile. They operate mostly from Eurodam, where they dominate the trading business. Members buy, as…

Trading agreements

Autor: anonymous Translator: sugarfree Trading agreements are as old as the road leading to Rome. The Netherlands has become rich because of this. We Dutchmen made these agreements with countries far away for herbs. What we gave back in return…


Autor: Whooty Translator: sugarfree The round has only just begun and the hell breaks loose. Vinny, a representative of the PvdA, showed to have little faith in the opposition. Jerrevds was the first target. ’I don’t have faith in a…

Critical view

Autor: jn1 Translator: sugarfree This edition, I let my eyes fall upon the market of pumps and engines. Last round Joerik became third in the endlist with basic skills in pumps and engines. I scratched behind my ears… Pumps and…

The day which is so important

Autor: kasper het spookje Translator: sugarfree The day which is so important, you can not miss, I missed. I began to sweat by only the thought of it; What about my work, the house, the pets and most of all:…